

by Charli Cox

Meet Ruth - Ruth has joined our Auckland team as our Regional Coordinator to share the work load and support us on our mission to have a wider reach on our community. A little more about Ruth below.


Why did you choose to join the Koha team?

I began by photographing at pop-ups. I saw the difference Koha was making in people’s lives from the simple act of supplying quality clothing. Providing the community with access to quality clothing breaks down so many barriers that our society creates around appearance. I've always been drawn to things that create positive human connections, relationships and communities. Koha Apparel aligns so strongly with my values and is something I have become deeply passionate about. 

Can you share what you enjoy most about being a part of the Koha team?

An environment where everybody is equal, and people are interested in each other on both ends of the spectrum - those helping and those receiving - the shared interested in equality, listening, connecting and simply being with each other in the present is what I enjoy most. 

I am reminded of the Maori Proverb: 

He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

I experience this to be so true in all aspects of what Koha Apparel is about. 

What are some special moments that you have had with people in our community since joining?

At the pop-up I set up in Whangarei, there's an elderly gentleman there that is the sweetest. Our catch ups, passing words and acknowledgements are invaluable. He's always so excited to see me and have Koha Apparel there. I often find the interaction with our community can be so small, but the impact on me is so big. It's those tiny moments that really fuel my passion and help remind what is truly important.