Donate: Big Gay Out 2021

Donate: Big Gay Out 2021

by Charli Cox

This year Koha Apparel will be at Aotearoa's Ending HIV Big Gay Out Festival on February 14th! Joining more than 10,000 rainbow people, their whānau and friends for a day of music, food, dance and celebration of diversity! To make this event possible we're seeking donations to help pay for our stall, transport and set up costs and every little bit counts!


The Big Gay Out was saved by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF), who also run Ending HIV, nearly 20 years ago. They took it on as they know how important this event is for many in the community - to have a space for our communities to all come together in large numbers and express our authentic selves, to connect with services and groups for our communities, and most importantly to celebrate our wins as a community and to advocate for more progress.

If you’re a member of Aotearoa’s Rainbow communities (which includes people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, takatāpui, whakawāhine, tangata ira tāne, fa’afafine, fakaleiti, akava’ine, māhū, vaka sa lewa lewa, rae rae, fiafifine, fakafifine, palopa, kathoey, hijra, baklâ, genderfluid, genderqueer, pansexual, asexual, queer and questioning – as well as our whānau and friends) or an ally, then this is the day for you – so, please join us for the party – people of all ages and abilities are welcome! Please know that Big Gay Out first and foremost needs to be a safe space for our communities.