In conversation with Stefan from Jaguar Land Rover New Zealand
by Charli Cox
Thank you to Stefan and the team at Jaguar Land Rover New Zealand for renting our clothing crate. A staggering 421 items of clothing were collected over a two-week period. This is enough stock to run two community pop-ups. That's approximately 250 people accessing quality clothing! And more than that, it's allowing people just like you and I, the choice of clothing. Here we speak with Stefan, the wonderful human who organised the clothing drive to discuss the importance of human connection and kindness and the inequalities we can work towards reducing by donating our resources and attention.
What is your day job or your typical day-to-day?
My role as Product Manager of Jaguar Land Rover New Zealand means that I am the local expert on all of our new and upcoming vehicles. It is my responsibility to bring the most desirable products to market and support our retailers to deliver an experience befitting of these brands.
How have the past eighteen months been for you?
I have had a good run recently. Apart from some minor flooding earlier this year, I have enjoyed the fruits of years of hard work coming together. I am an ardent advocate of making your own luck.
What does Aotearoa, the world, need more of right now?
There are always many answers to this question. To focus on one, I would highlight the need to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. To make an authentic effort to see things from another person’s perspective and gain a more open-minded appreciation of our commonality.
What gives you hope for the future?
I am naturally optimistic so it doesn’t take much. I would point to history in that every generation feels to be on the brink of disaster and yet many key trends (such as child mortality) continue to blaze the path to a more positive future. Given our nature, I think it would be defeatist to bet against our species. I am hopeful in particular that technology will allow us to solve the climate crisis.
How important is having the choice of clothing to you?
I tend to lean function over form with my choice of clothing, comfort being the number one criterion. Involvement with Koha Apparel has raised my awareness of this basic human need and shaken complacency out of my perspective.
Why did Jaguar Land Rover New Zealand decide to rent our clothing donation crate?
I am very fortunate to have an inspirational partner who has been involved with Koha Apparel for some time. Compared to the time and effort I have seen others put into this cause it wasn’t much for us to facilitate a collection. It also aligns nicely with the overarching community work of Jaguar Land Rover with the support of Mitey and the Giltrap Group with their countless patronages.