Gracie Taylor

Gracie Taylor

by Charli Cox

We connected with Auckland local Gracie Taylor a while back when she had some clothing that she wanted to donate. Being a fangirl of her podcast The Girls Uninterrupted, I decided to asked her a few questions about responsibility and waste, community and why she chose to donate to Koha. Read the interview below.


Why did you to decide to donate to us?

I love what Koha stand for which is to re purpose clothing for those in need. I feel particularly strong about this as I live in Central Auckland and I know how many people are homeless and in need of warm clothing and also work wear to help get them into a position where they can apply for jobs. I also know Koha are big advocates to try and encourage less clothing waste heading to our landfills.

How do you encourage other people to support and get involved?

A lot of my friends and people I know have waaaay too many clothes. I do too! (Very guilty of overspending on things I don't need and I know I am very privileged). I think it's just about making yourself be aware of your spending vs. wearing habits and if you don't 'need' something, the best way to give your clothes another life is to donate to Koha, because you know it is going to the heart of helping other Kiwis

Why do you think the service Koha provides to our community is important?

Community is everything. When you think about our day to day lives in Auckland and in New Zealand, we are nothing without our sense of community. By giving back with what we have (which may be a little or a lot), we can help others be warm, be dry, be safe, and have access to things they need to have an opportunity at life.